Thursday, November 02, 2006

Keenly Aware

Thomas stared at the spot for a undetermined amount of time. He was keenly aware that this discovery was really bothering him and it bothered him that he was so keenly aware of it. This thing was some kind of intruder in or on his body and he couldn't be sure how long it had been around. He might have been missing its presence for days - even weeks. He was trying to tell himself that it was really some kind of bruise. It was normal. It was just one of those things that the happens to the body that you don't notice and simply goes away. He worked with his hand plenty - so he probably jabbed it against a spoke or gear or pricked it against a metal sliver or something. Surely it couldn't be anything strange or dire because he felt completely fine.

Completely fine. Except, of course, for the haunting sense that he was being tormented by bells. There was that.

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